UPon – Urban Practice from other nooks is a series of informal talks that reflects on urban practices from an inclusive, multilingual, context-bound and feminist perspective. By extending Urbane Praxis e.V.´s network beyond European borders, we aim to connect urban practitioners working in different contexts in order to facilitate reciprocal learning and exchange.
The interviews are conceptualised and held by Valeria Schwarz and Lorène Blanche Goesele for Urbane Praxis e.V.
UPon – Urban Practice from Other Nooks
Interviews with international urban practitioners

Lorène Blanche Goesele & Valeria Schwarz
OPAVIVARÁ! (Brazil), Colectiva Habitaria (Argentina) & LA ESCUELA___ (Latin America), Centro Rural de Arte (Argentina), Maimouna Jallow (Spain and Kenya)
Stephanie Becker
Graphic design
Berlin, GER, 2022
Supported by: Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing as part of the expansion of the Netzwerkstelle Urbane Praxis, carried out by Urbane Praxis e.V.
You can read the interviews here: